Maintenance of Wife in Pakistan:
Petitioner in her affidavit which
equated with her examination-in-chief as a witness had nowhere mentioned her
claim about maintenance of wife in
Pakistan allowance, which meant that she did not even substantiate
contents of the plaint. List of dowry articles was subsequently prepared by the
sister of the petitioner which had no signature or note of bridegroom's family
member, pertaining to correctness of the same. Value of each article or
receipts (photocopies) of the alleged purchase articles of dowry had been
considered as reliable one in spite of the fact that neither any executants of
the same appeared in the witness-box nor from the receipts, it was established
that as to who purchased the article from whom and in some cases the receipts
were post-dated than the marriage.
After Divorce in Pakistan Maintenance System:
Maintenance of wife in Pakistan
allowance for the period of iddat was not challenged in the original claim and
it was far the first time raised in Constitutional petition. Such claim though
not considered as far as extended period of pre-divorce life for the purpose of
maintenance allowance and certainly was a right of divorce
in Pakistan of female towards her ex-husband imposing duty, making him
answerable to Allah and that duty was only discharged if the maintenance was
provided on a reasonable scale. Constitutional petition was dismissed by High
Court 3. Application by ex-wife after her divorce in Pakistan became
effective-Maintainability. Arbitration Council could be constituted inter
spouses, whose relationship of husband and wife subsisted at the time of such
More about Maintenance System in Pakistan:
Ex-wife could not go before
Chairman, Arbitration Council calling him to constitute Arbitration Council,
for granting of past maintenance. Proceedings of Arbitration Council, if
initiated on basis of such application, would be coram non judice and order
passed thereon would be abinitio void. Ex-wife could file suit for recovery of
maintenance before Family Court being a liability accrued against ex-husband.
Ex-wife can recover under S. 9 maintenance of wife in Pakistan for period
during which marriage subsisted. There is no rationale in contention that if
marriage stands dissolved, wife cannot invoke S. 9 for past maintenance to
wife. Whether allowed under this section. Held, that, language of this section
does not even impliedly import that maintenance allowable to wife is the future
maintenance only and that jurisdiction to allow past maintenance of wife has
not been conferred there under. Jurisdiction exercisable was subject to law of
limitation for case.
Claiming of Accommodation and Maintenance:
Claim separate accommodation and
maintenance. Allegation of the plaintiff (wife) was that defendant (husband)
had married two other wives. Plaintiff (wife) had a right under Islamic Law to
claim separate accommodation and maintenance. Wife could not be compelled to
live with the other wives of the defendant and she could refuse to live with the
parents of the husband. Separate living by wife. Appellate Court failed to note
essential legal implications of non-payment of dower namely that wife, in such
circumstances, was under no obligation to live with husband and husband was
duty bound to maintain wife during period of separation. Failure of Appellate
Court to consider said facts constituted non exercise of its jurisdiction.
Impugned judgment of Appellate court was, therefore, declared without lawful
authority with the result that both the appeals of petitioner were to be deemed
pending for fresh decisions. Entitlement to maintenance allowance was subject
to evidence. Islamic Law provided that it was duty of wife to live with her
husband and then to claim maintenance however, there were certain exceptions.
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